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1. Basic, Elements, Attributes
2. Headings, Paragraphs, Formatting
3. Styles, Links, Images,
4. Tables, Lists
5. Forms
6. Colors



1. Basic, Syntax
2. Id & Class
3. Background, Text
4. Fonts, Links, Tables
5. Border, Outline, Margin, Padding
6. Image, Media Types

Java Script

1. Basic, Statements, Comments
2. Variables, Operators, Comparisons
3. If….Else, Switch
4. Popup Boxes
5. Functions, For Loop, While Loop
6. Break Loops, For … In
7. Validation


Apache Web Server

1. Setting up Server
2. Configuration
3. Deploying Project
4. Testing Application


1. Basics
2. Encapsulation
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
5. OOA
6. OOD


Core Java

1. Conceptual Look, Basic Principles
2. Java Fundamentals, Language Basics, Syntax
3. Naming Conventions
4. OOP Using Java
5. Classes, Interfaces
6. Collections (Data Structures, Java Collections)
7. Exception Handling, Java Doc
8. Java Beans, Design Patterns
9. Inner Classes, Error Handling
10. JDBC (Architecture, Drivers, Statement), Advanced JDBC (Prepared Statement, Callable Statement)
11. Multi-threading
12. Input and Output


1. Introductions, Servlet Life Cycle.
2. Servlet Config, Http Servlet Request, Http Servlet Response
3. Passing Request Parameter
4. Scope – Page, Request, Session, Application
5. Security – Programmatic, Declarative
6. Session Tracking – Hidden Fields, URL Rewriting, Cookies, Session


1. Introductions, JSP Architecture
2. JSP Tags, Page Includes,
3. Action Tags, Include, Forward, Use Bean, Params
4. Implicit Objects – request, response
5. Config, Application, Exception, Page Context
6. JSTL, Custom Tags


1. Introduction
2. Configuration
3. Creating, Updating, Inserting, Deleting for an Application.



1. Introduction
2. MVC Architecture, Struts Architecture
3. Controller, Action, Form Bean, Dyna Action Form, Action Forwards.
4. Struts HTML Tags, I18N
5. Validator, Tiles


1. Introduction, Hibernate Architecture
2. Understanding and Using
3. Configuration xml files and mapping xml files along with dtds
4. ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
5. Inheritance
6. Hibernate Query Language
7. Update Query, Delete Query, HQL from Clause, Select Clause, Count, Where Clause, Order By
8. Developing POJO Class
9. Hibernate Criteria Query
10. Hibernate Avg (), Max(), Min()
11. Declaring functions , store procedures in hibernate mapping xml files
12. Declaring select queries of HQL in mapping xml file in different ways
13. Writing Database specific queries using Session Object



1. Introduction to Spring , Architecture
2. Dependency Injection concept
3. Using Spring Framework step by step
4. Spring MVC
5. Bean Mapping
6. Spring Example in real world

Tomcat Server

1. Introduction
2. Configuration
3. Deploy Application
4. Test Application


Web logic Server

1. Introduction
2. Configuration
3. Deploy Application
4. Test Application

Web sphere Server 

1. Introduction
2. Configuration
3. Deploy Application
4. Test Application


Jboss Server

1. Introduction
2. Configuration
3. Deploy Application
4. Test Application


1. Introduction, EJB Architecture
2. EJB Fundamentals
3. Session EJB
4. Entity EJB
5. Transaction Management
6. EJB Security
7. Service Locator Framework
8. JMS and MDBs


Data Patterns

AJAX (Basics, JQuery, DOJO)

1. Introduction, AJAX Architecture
2. Basics, XML Http Request Object
3. JQuery Introduction
4. JQuery API Usage
5. DOJO Introduction
6. DOJO API Usage


XML Fundamentals, XML with Web Services

Web Services & SOA

1. Introduction to Web Services
2. What is SOA
3. Java Web Services and Technologies
4. XML Processing API’s
8. SOAP with Attachments API for JAVA (SAAJ)
9. REST Full Web Services
10. Design Patterns in Web Services
11. Security
12. Creating Web Services Client and Server
13. Deploying and Testing Web Services
14. Exposing EJB and POJO as Web Service (Optional)


Interview Preparation

1. Mock Interviews
2. Interview Preparation Tips
3. Sample Interview Questions
4. How to clear an Interview

SJCP Certification Guidelines

1. Sample questions on Sun Certified Java Programmer

Case Studies:

CASE STUDY # 1 – “Healthcare System”

CASE STUDY # 2 – “Asset Management System”

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